Welcome to Screen Door Review!

My name is Alesha and I am absolutely thrilled to be editing this magazine alongside my lovely co-editors. We are now open for submissions and will be publishing our first issue March 1st, 2018.


The mission of this magazine is clearly very important to me. As a country, we need queer southern voices published in order to more clearly represent the literary face of the South. As southern queer individuals, we need our voices published because we deserve a home that respects our stories and celebrates our identities, instead of one that hides them in the closet.


In addition to the magazine, we also offer access to a few resources that our southern queer writers might find useful. We’ll be constantly adding to these resources and will soon start featuring all sorts of southern queer community highlights here on our blog. These features will include interviews, business spotlights, musician and artist bios, and so much more. If there is anything you want to suggest that we include on the blog or as a resource, please let us know on the contact page.


On behalf of our entire team, thank you for your support and for your interest in our mission!


Keep sharing the love, y’all.